Web projects

  • Project type
    Sentence Counter
    Sentence Counter
    Sentence Counter is a small application to count the length of words or characters in sentences along the text, so you can visualize and fix missized sentences on the go.
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    Tabs to Clipboard
    Tabs to Clipboard
    Tabs to Clipboard is a handy tool that saves you time and effort by copying the URLs of all open tabs with just a couple of clicks. It supports Markdown lists, HTML syntax, multiple quotation marks wrapping, and tab selection. Say goodbye to tedious copy-pasting!
  • Project type
    Plau Brandcooker
    Plau Brandcooker
    Brandcooker is a lightweight web application designed to optimize the exercise of designing logos based on specific requirements. It generates random branding briefings with four difficulty levels, allowing students to create and share new briefings.
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    ART Construtora
    ART Construtora
    ART Construtora, a construction company in São Bernardo do Campo, has been building properties for 40 years. The company's website acts as a contact point to communicate with customers, showcase units, and sustain its reputation.
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    Pacaembu font family landing page
    Pacaembu font family landing page
    Naipe Type Foundry created a variable font family named Pacaembú, inspired by Brazil's oldest stadium. The Pacaembú website offers an interactive experience to experiment with the font, interact with components and even play with historic soccer line-ups, honouring the stadium and Brazilian soccer history.
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    Arara website
    Arara website
    Arara is a Brazilian platform that connects potential buyers with real estate agents for new and under-construction apartments, improving their the discoverability. The design process involved deep competitor analysis and adaptation of their features to Arara's target.