ART Construtora

ART Construtora is a construction company located in São Bernardo do Campo, which has been rising residential and commercial buildings for 40 years in the ABC region of São Paulo. ART has a diverse portfolio with dozens of buildings developed for different requirements and customers but praising for certified high-quality construction and customer relationship standards.

For ART, a website must act as a contact point to sustain its reputation and legacy, communicate with past and current customers, share information about the real estate market in São Paulo and Brazil, and showcase new and upcoming units. Users must be able to see current and past buildings, learn about ART history and statements and, foremost, customers must be able to answer post-sale quality forms and reach the company whenever some warranty-covered problem occurs.

Figma provided a collaborative environment for designers and developers to leverage the early prototypes of ART’s new website. Next.js, HTML and CSS provided a modern development environment for assembling visual components, communicating with a content management tool with GraphQL requests and displaying information in a responsive layout.