In Brazil, the midsummer festivals, known as Festas Juninas, happen from June to August. Across the country, people get together to celebrate the yearly harvests and, to face the cold winter, warm bodies and souls with local food, countryside music and characteristic dances, such as “quadrilha,” “forró,” and “baião.” These foods and dances evoke countryside traditions associated with Christianity, a rural lifestyle on farms and small towns and the praise of regional folklore.
The Brazilian sign painting heritage, taught and practiced mainly by people with no formal art schooling or training, still lives in countryside cities, resemble the South American sign painting and has been studied and revived in recent years. You can find its colourful and ornamented letters on the walls, boat shells, commercial signage, handmade home decor of small towns, and commemorative signs in Festas Juninas.
Junina is a homage to Festas Juninas and the Brazilian vernacular lettering tradition, with seven stackable fonts that resemble these ornaments and colour effects. The font family has three upper-layer fonts for dotted, lining, and flourish decorations and three lower-layer fonts for bevel and shadow effects. Also, the font family has regular and old-style numbers, stylistic alternates, diacritics and special characters.